Auto Ungate Amazon ASIN List 🔑

ASIN Amplify is a list of items reported by Amazon sellers to have a good chance of granting automatic approval to sell in brands and categories. There are currently 97 auto-ungate ASINs in the database.

  • // Auto ungating ASIN list

    • Each item on the list will redirect you to "Request Approval" in Seller Central. Clicking on that button will allow you to list the item (auto-ungating success 🎉) or submit further documentation (you weren't instantly approved).

    • Not all of these items will ungate you. If an item from this list doesn't ungate you immediately, don't worry. You may be auto-approved if you retry with different account metrics later.

    • Remember to like items on the list that got you approved.

    • By using ASIN Amplify you agree to the Leadgeek privacy policy and terms of service.

  • // Get Full Access

    You get access to the first 10 auto-ungate ASINs 100% free, no-strings attached.

    If you find they work well for your selling account, consider purchasing ASIN Amplify for access to all 97 items for just $12.

// ASIN Amplify

Search below to test your Seller account with auto-ungate ASINs

Please note: This tool is intended for use on a computer. It's a lot easier to use that way, but you do you! 😅

Start your search with ! for brands or @ for categories